Third Chakra, Solar Plexus
August 2021
The number one thing you can do to work on healing your own energy and vibrations (and keep them healthy) is to align and balance your chakras each day. Chakras originated in India 1500 - 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas. Anodea Judith, the American author of Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System, says that the knowledge of the chakra system was passed down through an oral tradition by the Ind-European people, also called the Aryan people. The word itself is derived from the Sanskrit cakra, meaning “wheel,” alluding to the vortex of swirling energy believed to reside in each chakra’s location.
Your solar plexus chakra is the third primary chakra out of a total seven and a beautiful yellow color. (Please be sure to read my post on the first and second chakras: Root and Sacral) As I explained in my previous posts, the best way to picture what a chakra looks like is a swirling ball of light. Each of the seven main chakras have a specific color and it should be the size of a silver dollar or a small plum.
Chakra Healing 101
Step one of working with your chakras is to close your eyes, find space and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breath is life and this exercise is all about healing light and bring in all that is good. If you are spiritual like I am, I often ask my angels to be with me while working on my chakras. I specifically call on Archangel Raphael to wrap me in their healing green blanket.. (If you're interested in learning about angels and how they are there to help you, keep your eyes open for a future post.) Once you have started mindfully breathing, begin to picture each of your chakras. You should imagine this ball of light as something similar to what a galaxy looks like. Some say it looks like a flower while others imagine it as a glowing marble. It's up to you what you imagine it as and what feel right as you work with each energy center. Whatever it looks like to you, it should be rotating clockwise and be the right size and color. When you close your eyes, if the first image that pops into your head is the wrong shape, size, color and is not rotating or rotating in the wrong direction, your first job is to get it to look appropriate and rotating correctly. If you don't receive an image, that's OK! Just keep breathing and imagine a light within you grow. Don't put pressure on yourself to see and feel something when you are not ready. You will get there. I promise. Be patient and kind to yourself.
The biggest thing to remember when starting out on this journey of working with your chakras - this is not something that has to be done perfectly right out of the gate. When I first took control over my own health and well being I was stressed about sitting the right way, breathing perfectly and saying the right words. It was not until I just let go and relaxed, for the healing to begin. My hope for you, as you get started, is that you take away one thing from all my posts. I hope you realize that all you need is to simply be present, be kind to yourself and willing to learn about your own light. That's all you need! And if you have gotten this far, you are doing all of it perfectly.
Before I get into the affirmations you will say while imagining your beautiful light, I want to go through some basics of the chakra we'll be working on today.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Located below the chest area right below your sternum is where you will find your solar plexas. This chakra is beautiful yellow and represents self-esteem, will-power and personal responsibility. Some signs that this chakra is blocked include low self-esteem, control issues, manipulative tendencies, or your measure of power is skewed. If you have stomach problem or weight issues, this is also a sign you need to work on this chakra. When the solar plexus chakra is in balance, a person feels self-motivated, exudes arrogant free confidence and has a sense of purpose.
Each chakra may take more or less time than the next to balance, depending on what you need on each. It's important to remember to be patient with yourself. This exercise is about self love and healing and there is no rush in either of those things. Take it slow and you will begin to see amazing results.
SIDE NOTE: Anything you read in this post is intended to be used along side modern medicine. You should not forgo talking to a doctor while using holistic healing/medicine.
The Affirmations of the Solar Plexus Chakra
I am worthy
I am special
I am whole
As I take on new challenges, I feel calm, confident, and powerful
I am ambitious and capable
I learn from my past mistakes and grow from them
You want to say these as you imagine this light swirling right in your chest; right at the bottom of your sternum. Imagine the bright yellow energy, the size of a silver dollar/small plum, swirling in a clockwise fashion. Begin to feel the truth of the words you speak...I am worthy, I am whole, I am ambitious, I am amazing and capable of anything I put my mind to...and so on. You are feeding this chakra the source of energy it needs to thrive and be well.
Crystals to use with the Solar Plexus Chakra
Citrine, Amber, Calcite, Tigers Eye, Pyrite, Yellow Jasper, Yellow Topaz, Agate, Yellow Tourmaline, Lemon Quartz, and Sunstone.
Each of the above crystals will provide the appropriate energy to heal the solar plexus, unblock it, if needed, and get you on the right path. While you are working on a specific chakra, my recommendation is for you to place the crystal in the area that you are working on. Allow it's healing vibration to cradle the chakra and connect it's energy to yours. Simply holding it in the palm of your hand will also be fine. If you don't have these stones or are just getting started with crystals, clear quartz is the "Master Healing" stone and can be used on all of the chakras.
Side Note: For all beginners who are looking to build their collection of healing crystals, clear quarts and selenite are my top picks. There are many great online retailers. Below in my resources section you will find where I purchase most of my crystals online. That being said, I do recommend experiencing crystal purchasing in person. If you can find a reliable local seller near you, that is ultimately the best way.
With Experience
As you begin to work with your chakras and gain experience with energy and light work, you may begin to feel surges of energy. For me it swells like an ocean wave going over me. It can get so intense that your body will react by a quick shudder or buzzing in your ears. If this happens to you, don't be afraid. Everything is as it should be. You are moving in the right direction. The healing power of healthy chakras are a powerful amazing thing. Also, you possibly could begin to feel what others call "the awakening". This is a very powerful and spiritual experience that comes to each of us who are enlightened once we begin to heal and connect with the Universe and Spirit. If you would like to know more about my journey, be sure to check out my blog post "Picking up the Pieces".
Final Notes
You're now ready to go out and start to work on your solar plexus chakra. If you have interest in learning more about your chakras and how you can heal yourself and others, I recommend you look at a local class for Reiki. Please do not try to do this through an online course. The best way to learn this ancient healing method is through a Reiki Master who also was passed on this method of energy healing by another Reiki Master. I recommend to look for someone who is teaching the Usui method of energy healing to ensure you are receiving the appropriate teachings of one of the original Masters.
I appreciate you taking the time to learn about your solar plexus. I plan to have separate posts on each of the other main chakras. If you would like to find some great resources around this subject, please look below.
I'm sending you all Peace, Love and Light. Be well and I hope to see you again soon.
A book by Ambi Kavanagh. She is a certified Reiki Master, astrologer, sound healer, life coach, and host of the podcast Alchemy with Ambi.
A book by Liz Alexander. Restore your optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual self with chakra healing, an ancient Indian system that focuses on energies originating in seven centers of the body
With The Ultimate Guide to Chakras, tune in to your chakras, the power centers connecting your physical body and the world of energy.
Light Music: To Clear & Align the Chakras
This book includes: Open Third Eye & 7 Chakras through guided meditation and breathing techniques
A great resource for healing crystals
A documentary film that takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that by changing one's perceptions, beliefs and emotions, the human body can heal itself from any dis-ease.