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Flip the Script

November 2021


I think back to a day when I was about two or three years old and I was sitting in my backyard blowing on dandelions so I could watch them float away. Life was so simple back then and this small little act brought me so much pleasure. As a child we always seem find happiness in the smallest things. Why is it when we become adults we allow the "adulting" to change that? Why must stress become our undoing? It was not until about two years ago that I decided that I was going to flip the script and it was not until this year that I think I mastered it. OH! Don't get me wrong, I have my days where I spend it reminding myself to stop and smell the roses. We all are going to have bad days. It's the intention that is important. As I have said in previous posts, be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up when you stumble.

It was back at the end of 2019 when I began trying to pause and be mindful when I was in the height of a stressful moment. It did take practice to pause the freight train that often happens during a stressful situation. Being mindful, you will find, is not easy. It's very difficult but the payoff is worth every moment you take practicing. When you start working out after a long break are you in perfect shape and it's easy to get going? NO! the pain was overwhelming as you built muscle and stamina. This is no different!

Top five things you can start doing today

When you first start out, there five things that are good to start with. One step at a time, one foot in front of the other, before you know it you will be in a state of zen vs. chaos.

Begin Journaling.

This practice has been around forever. It's something that mental health professionals have recommended to their patients and there's a reason for that... it actually works. I use my journal for everything. If I have a new creative project idea or I'm trying to get down how I'm feeling, it all gets documented in my journal. During the height of the pandemic it came in very helpful to process all my thoughts and feelings I was working through as my world was changing around me. It also a perfect place to write down goals and affirmations. My journal was the place I began to document how I was going to obtain abundance vs. continuing to feel my life was filled with scarcity. That truly is the goal with this practice... flip the conversation in your mind and begin to feel that you are filled with abundance! You need to remind yourself that there is enough to go around. Everyone around you is not an enemy, they are your brother and sister in this world. We all should be working as a team instead of looking at each other like we are there to take away from each other.

Appreciate the Little Things - Be Present - Gratitude.

Remember that old saying "take time to smell the roses"? This is what that saying was trying to get across. Life is filled with amazing things! If you spend all your time worrying about things and filling your mind and heart with jealousy, anger, regret and fear, you forget and are blinded to the fact that the beautiful sunset in front of you is a gift. Every moment you can, find joy and be grateful for what you have. Great things are all around you just waiting for you to experience and feel it in your heart. Breath and know you are blessed.

Make Time to Take Five.

What do I mean by this? Self care, self care, Self CARE! You need to rest, recharge and do a bit of self care every day. Meditation, walking, gardening, sitting in the sun and enjoying a cup of your favorite beverage are all good examples. If you do not take care of you, there is no way you will be able to take care of the rest of your responsibilities.

Think About Your Surroundings and How they Affect You.

This sentiment includes PEOPLE, places and things. Negativity will drag you down to the deepest darkest places. Do not allow your surroundings to bring you down with it. It takes practice to not go to those dark places and allow it to overtake you. Shine your light so bright that you overtake the darkness. Smile, be grateful, be kind, show love and support. If none of these things work, be gracious and thank people for their time, the lessons they have taught you and step away. Open the garden gate from the thorn filled garden to the one filled with beautiful flowers. Fill your space with reminders that you are the light and you are here to shine that light. Put flowers in your home, throw up a pretty painting, bring crystals into your space and allow like minded people to come and join you. If money is an issue and you don't have the ability to have these things around you, try just keeping your space free of clutter, allow the sun to shine in your windows, try to find things that make you laugh and smile. All these things are free and can do so much to get you in the right mindset. You are worth setting up boundaries, separating yourself from those people, places and things that just are not ready to live/be in the light and doing what it takes to be happy.

Make Room for Passion.

Find things to fill your life with that bring all the "good feels" is very important lesson to learn. If we allow the days to only be filled with the things we have to do, then we will get so stressed out and never find the good in life. This could be things like painting, nature hikes, learning a new skill...anything that might make you happy. I recommend something healthy. Picking up day drinking is probably not the best example of what I'm talking about.

Flipping the script and finding joy in your life is like anything else, you have to start and work on it every day. Before you know it you will be finding your joy without even thinking about it. Give yourself time, be patient and kind and just put one foot in front of the other. You got this! I believe in you.

Sending you all love and light. I wish you nothing but good things to surround your life.

Be well!



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