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Take Time to Take Five

Woman reading by a large window with the snow falling outside.

Slow down, rest, breath; life is not a race.

We spend so much time running around that we forget to stop and just breath. We worry about our family and friends before we even think about what we need to be whole. What our soul is asking us to feed it. I understand on some level, we have been told we are selfish to think of ourselves and our own needs. I'm not recommending you do all for you and be damned everyone else around us. I'm asking you if you can take time before your day begins or before your head hits the pillow to think of yourself over anyone else. Find time to settle your brain and focus on you. If you can take more than five minutes, DO IT!

I'm sure many of you have heard the saying that if you don't take care of yourself you can't take care of anyone else. Self love is the kindest most loving thing you can do. If you're not loving yourself, you are not preparing yourself to love others. If you have no insight or love for you, how can you have love for others? How can you care and give them what they need? I'll leave this here for you to ponder. Just know, this is me giving you permission to to love yourself enough to take care of you first.

Exercise for today during our 40 day reflection.

I challenge you to go to a privet mirror in your home, gaze into that mirror and say these three words to the person looking back at you ...

I Love You

Feel it, believe it, say it out loud. Repeat this exorcise until you truly feel that you love yourself enough to take this 40 days and grow from it.

Be well! Know you are loved.

Sending you all Peace, Love and Light.


Yokie Class at the Salt House Spa in Osterville, MA

YOKIE - Saturday 7-8pm @ the Salt House Spa in Osterville, MA

A place to find yourself through the teachings of Courtney Pistone.


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